Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 2011 grocery budget week 2

The main shopping trip was at Target, where I spent $44. We also made a couple of "emergency" runs to the store, which totaled about $10. That brings our monthly grocery expenditures up to $145, and leaves us $155 left in our budget for the rest of the month. That leaves us approximately $52/week from here on out.

From our Target trip, we bought:
reeses cups - $1
tortilla chips - $2
pringles - $1.44
kashi granola bars - $2.99
juice - $4.73
onions - $2.24
spaghetti sauce - $2.84
zucchini - $0.35
garlic - $0.25
cucumbers - $1.48
oatmeal - $2
oranges - $2.04
bread - $2.69
pork roast - $6.49
ground chicken - $2.29
eggs - $2.39
almond milk - $4.50
allergy medicine - $3.84

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