
Friday, December 07, 2007

A Mormon President: So What?

I don't see what the big deal is about the possibility of having a Mormon president. What are people afraid of? That the Mormon ruling body is going to be controlling matters from under the table? Those are probably the same people that believe that 9/11 was an inside job and that the CIA assassinated JFK. (For those people, please examine the concept known as Occam's Razor.)

Okay, so if the Mormon ruling body were surreptitiously controlling the presidency, what then? What Mormon-specific legislation do you think would actually have a large-scale political/social effect? From a moral standpoint, I have not seen the Mormon church advocate anything that typical social conservatives do not. I have not seen the Mormon church officially endorse any extremely zany and radical positions. Aside from issues of morality, the Mormon church officially takes a stance of political neutrality. They state the following: "The Church does not...attempt to direct or dictate to a government leader." Being that they call themselves a church, I am going to assume that they mean what they say.

Thus the only thing to fear from a Mormon president would be the passing of Mormon-specific religious legislation. Such legislation would never even make it to the president's desk because of the handy dandy following statement: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." Do you honestly think that the U.S. would be turned into the Theocratic Union of Mormon Saints (a.k.a. TUMS)? Even if there were a slight possibility that the US could turn into a theocracy (which I hope it never does), it surely wouldn't be a Mormon one.

Even if the freedom of religion clause were not in the Constitution, I doubt that Mormon-specific religious legislation would ever pass. For the president to approve legislation, it must first pass through the two houses of Congress. In these two houses of Congress, there are currently only 16 members that are Mormon (including Senate majority leader Harry Reid). With only 16 Mormon members of Congress (11 Representatives, 5 Senators), do you really think that we would be plunged into a Mormon version of sharia law? As I recall, it takes a lot more than the support of 11 Congressmen to even get Congress excited about something.

Speaking of which, I personally am much more afraid of Muslims in government. You see, there's this thing called sharia law that just a few of them would like to implement...it seems to involve a lot of beheadings.

I am not advocating Mitt Romney (personally, I abstain from exercising suffrage, but still like to stay informed), nor am I advocating the Mormon church (I am not a Mormon). I say all this because I feel that either the media is making unnecessary hype about the Mormon issue, or that people haven't intelligently thought this through. But who am I, and what is this but a mere blog post, and a not extensively researched one, at that? If you have intelligent, real concerns about a possible Mormon president, please let me know. I doubt I've looked at this from all angles.

Why limit the scrutiny to just Romney? When's the last time someone saw Hillary in church? Does Rudy attend Mass on a regular basis? How many of the candidates actually practice what their religion dictates? If we're making an issue of out of candidate's religion, why not examine the piety of the others?

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5 have poured out their souls in electronic text:

  • Unknown


  • Laura

    Honestly, I'm more afraid of feminism taking over the country than any (other) religion.

  • JunkMale

    Laura, you bring up a scary point. I would comment more (and I might, later), but I have observed that feminism is much better fought by inside jobs (i.e. women themselves). If men speak out against it, it just sort of adds fuel to the feminists' fire ("See?? All men are oppressive pigs, just like we always say!")

  • Michelle

    In the words of my husband, "I just don't trust him."

  • Anne Marie@Married to the Empire

    Wonderful post! If a candidate's religious beliefs are going to be scrutinized, do it to all of the candidates. How many even practice what they claim to believe? I think people just like to pick something about a candidate, jump all over it, sensationalize it, then sit back and watch the aftermath. And that's exactly why I dislike politics.