
Wednesday, September 12, 2007


It is a slight bit annoying when you have written a blog post (admittedly, a filler blog post) and when you click "Publish Post," it disappears. And Blogger has nothing to say except "bummer d00d, here's the error number."

I had written some stuff about the Swedish study showing that men are worse for the environment than women. I hope I wasn't alone in finding this government study a bit pointless. Okay, so what do they do now? Export Swedish men? That only moves the "problem." It won't be long before there are more government studies pointing out other immensely obvious things, such as "Study confirms that space-time is curved by really massive objects!" or "Study confirms women are really/truly different from men!" or "Study confirms men like good looking women!" or "Study confirms that Han shot first!"

(BTW, if you are a woman over the age of say...15, and didn't know that men like good looking women, you need to attend MAN101 again, or for the first time)

Burger King to begin offering healthier kids menu items. I predicted that the apple "fries" will fail. I imagine they could look very much like the potato fries, which I believe will be the key to their failure. Why? Imagine that you have been crawling through the desert for a couple of days, with no water. You are a few hours away from death. Suddenly, you see an oasis! You muster up what energy you have left and end up making it to the "water's" edge, only to find out that the "water" is...

(highlight) ...Sprite. As you die of dehydration, your thoughts dwell on your family and how they will....

...no...wait a minute. It's not even (highlight) Sprite, it's crystal Pepsi. You completely lose the will to live.

(in case you're wondering why I made you highlight things, I believe proper timing is critical for comedic value. As it's hard to control timing since you're reading this and not hearing it from my own mouth, I believed highlighting to be necessary)

Thus, you see why apple fries will be a failure. It's a matter of failed expectations. Luckily, this scenario was all a dream anyways, and you wake up rather parched and with a new found resolve never to send your children down the path of the Dark Side by giving them apple fries without telling them they're not potato fries.

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2 have poured out their souls in electronic text:

  • The Ramblin' Rat

    Pepsi is bad enough as it is. Crystal Pepsi is just plain wrong.

  • Birdie

    "and you wake up rather parched and with a new found resolve never to send your children down the path of the Dark Side by giving them apple fries without telling them they're not potato fries."

    Deception is seldom successful as a parenting technique. I certainly wouldn't recommend it.